品牌 | SLICKOTE DL 100 |
货号 | SLICKOTE DL 100 |
英文名称 | SLICKOTE DL 100 |
是否危险化学品 | 否 |
包装规格 | 桶 |
CAS编号 | |
别名 | SLICKOTE DL 100 |
保质期 | 36个月 |
分子式 | SLICKOTE DL 100 |
耐水性 | |
是否进口 | 是 |
Solvent resistant
Corrosion resistant
Low gloss black- for use on guns, riffles, armaments (used byOEM gun manufacturers)
? Where conventional lubricants are difficult to apply or retain,or where other lubricants may be easily contaminated with dirt ordust.
? For sliding motion applications such as plain andspherical bearings, flap tracks, hinges, threads and camsurfaces.
To reduce wear, corrosion, prevent galling and seizure ofmetals.