货号 | MIL-L-46010E Ty3 |
EINECS编号 | MIL-L-46010E Ty3 |
是否危险化学品 | 否 |
颜色 | GRAY |
CAS编号 | |
别名 | MIL-L-46010E Ty3 |
保质期 | 12个月 |
耐水性 | 1 |
耐洗擦性 | 1 |
英文名称 | EVELRUBE Ecoalube642 |
包装规格 | GALLON |
分子式 | MIL-L-46010E Ty3 |
是否进口 | 是 |
MIL-L-46010E Ty3干膜润滑剂
MIL-L-46010E Ty3 ( MIL-L-46010 )
Solid Film Lubricant.
Cure: 300 deg. F / 2 Hr or 400 deg. F / 1 Hr
Water Base / Low VOC
Use: -90 to 400 deg. F
Slickote Dry Lube 100 is a heat cured, resin bonded solid film lubricant coating which meets the requirements of AS5272 TY 1 / MIL-46010E Type 1. INTENDED USE To reduce wear and prevent galling, corrosion and seizure of metals. Where conventional lubricants are difficult to apply or retain, or where other lubricants may easily be contaminated with dirt or dust. For sliding motion applications such as plain and spherical bearings, flap tracks, hinges, threads, and cam surfaces. Where temperature ranges are from -68 deg C to 204 deg C, intermitent exposure to 260 deg C. When mechanisms are operated at infrequent intervals or are lubricated for life. Where long term corrosion protection is required under static conditions. Where solvent resistance is required. Where extreme heavy loaded lubrication is required including initial startup of heavy loaded mechanisms designed for fluid lubrication. As a touch up to worn surfaces previously coated with solid film lubrication.
是一种热固化的,基于二硫化钼固体薄膜润滑剂,具有极高的分子量环氧粘结剂系统。此涂层提供优异的耐化学性,耐磨损寿命,耐磨性及在高负荷的优异应用效果。 是符合MIL-L-46010E Ty II,PWA 474,PWA474,符合:AS-5272AS-5272 TyII.
、MIL-L-46010E Ty3 ( MIL-L-46010 )
Solid Film Lubricant.
Cure: 300 deg. F / 2 Hr or 400 deg. F / 1 Hr
Water Base / Low VOC
Use: -90 to 400 deg. F