Vitta Braz-Rope
- 发布日期: 2024-08-29
- 更新日期: 2025-02-06
Vitta Braz-Rope
货号 |
Vitta Braz-Rope
品牌 |
Vitta Braz-Rope
执行标准 |
活性使用期 |
CAS编号 |
别名 |
Vitta Braz-Rope
有效期 |
工作温度 |
-73°C to 260°C
英文名称 |
Vitta Braz-Rope
包装规格 |
分子式 |
有效物质≥ |
固化方式 |
Vitta 1AL and 1YT Braz-Stop materials are parting compounds designed to prevent molten filler metal from touching and brazing base metal parts, and to keep holes and cut / milled areas free from molten metals. In addition, these Stop-Offs are also useful in keeping stacks of parts from sticking together during heat-treating, protecting threads from scaling, and for keeping parts from bonding to their furnace fixtures.
1AL Braz-Stop is recommended for general brazing applications and is available as a transfer tape, paste and water based paint.
1YT Braz-Stop is a rare earth composition for use on titanium and reactive base alloys, and is available as a paste, paint, or transfer tape.
All Vitta Braz-Stops clean up easily after brazing with simple brushing, air jetting or washing with water. No grinding or blasting of finished parts is required to remove these Stop-Offs.