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货号 | |
品牌 | Tufoil Engine Treatment |
EINECS编号 | Tufoil Engine Treatment |
是否危险化学品 | 否 |
型号 | |
CAS编号 | |
别名 | Tufoil Engine Treatment |
密度 | 1.2g/cm3 |
产地/厂商 | |
英文名称 | Tufoil Engine Treatment |
产品等级 | 其他 |
纯度 | 98% |
分子式 |
TufoilEngine Treatment is a proven oil additive that keepscars, trucks, motorcycles, and boats running at peak efficiency.Efficiently running engines use less gas, need fewer repairs, runmore smoothly, and , and last a very long time.
Benefitsof Tufoil Engine Treatment:
Decreases coefficient of friction
Extends engine life
Improves the oil’s viscosity index, allowing for consistentengine performance
Allows engines to run cooler and
Keeps the insides of engines cleaner by preventing gunk fromaccumulating
Prevents deposits from building up on critical components ofengines and piston rings
Addes corrosion protection properties to oil
Increases an engine’s horsepower
Cuts friction and wear
Provides easier cold starts for gas and diesel engines
Creates faster cranking speed under all weather conditions
Increases horsepower and acceleration
Lessens excessive engine oil burning
Several years ago, the Guinness World Book of Records chose Tufoilas “The World’s Most Efficient Lubricant.” To this day, it is theONLY engine treatment in the Guinness Book. So far, no one has beenable to break that record!
Add Tufoil Engine Treatment to your engine’s standard or syntheticmotor oil in all 4-cycle engines including 4, 6, or 8-cylindercars, trucks, and vehicles or any 4-cycle/4-stroke small engine.Tufoil Engine Treatment will keep your motor vehicle, lawn mower,or boat running very efficiently, and efficient engines use lessgas, need fewer repairs, run smoother, , and last a verylong time.
Thebenefits include:
Reduced friction and wear
Better fuel efficiency
Extended oil life
Reduced sludge and sediment deposits
engine noise
Corrosion protection
See our mixratio chart on adding Tufoil Engine Treatment to yourengine’s motor oil. A good rule of thumb is to add TufoilEngine treatment at each oil change for maximum benefits. Removeengine oil cap, and pour directly into the existing oil in yourengine.
We’ll never see the low gas prices from years ago again! But we canget the most out of what we have to pay today. Smart drivers relyon Tufoil® engine oiltreatment for help in creating improved engine efficiency!
Tufoil is “The World’s Most Efficient Lubricant,” according toGuinness. Efficiently-running engines use less gas! Tufoil wastested by the United States Government at their federal laboratory(The National Bureau of Standards, now known as NIST) and passedwith flying colors. NIST determined that Tufoil hasa surfacefriction so low that it makes Tufoil the most slipperysubstance known to man.
The Canadian Government ran extreme cold weathertests at their laboratory in Kapuskasing. Theirfindings show that Tufoil boosted cranking speed in both gas anddiesel engines nearly 10% in cold weather starting. Their findingsalso showed a 5% fuel savings.
Coefficient ofFriction Testing
Four-Ball Testing, ASTM D4172, is commonly used to test lubricants.See how Tufoil improves the coefficient of friction of a standardhost oil in “What is 4-Ball Testing as Used in TestingLubricants.”
The Federal Trade Commission paid close attention to many of ourcompetitors. As a result, they issued warnings to many of them forfalse advertising claims. You can check it out yourself by visitingthe FTC website and typing “oil additives” in the searchbox provided on their website. They didn’t have the testing tosubstantiate their claims.
Now it’s your turn. If you like what you’ve read so far, check outthe details on the most “Fre Asked ” about Tufoilfor Engines.
You’ll be glad you did.
Tufoil Engine Treatment is compatible with most conventional /mineral oils and synthetic oils. To test compatibility, mix one ounceof Tufoil Engine Treatment into 10 ounces of your host oil at roomtemperature. Stir or shake. If you see no separation, settling orclumping, Tufoil is compatible with your oil.
Tufoil Engine Treatment makes your ordinary oil TUFOil!
Tufoil Engine Treatment is also available in a 208 L Drum (55gal): ContactUs for details.