  • 联系人:SKY_SHEN(沈先生)
  • 手机:13301988108
  • 电话:021-20228097
  • 传真:86-021-51685756
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  • 地址:浦东金桥开发区金高路2388号金海商业广场813室
仪表仪器低温填充油 -60 °C up to 200 °C
  • 品牌:ELB
  • 产地:ELB
  • 货号:-60 °C up to 200 °C
  • 发布日期: 2023-09-07
  • 更新日期: 2024-07-26
货号 -60 °C up to 200 °C
品牌 ELB
EINECS编号 低温-80 °C to 270 °C
型号 Heat transfer fluid from -115 °C to 175 °C
别名 Heat transfer fluid from-60 °C up to 200 °C
密度 1.3g/cm3
产地/厂商 ELB
英文名称 -60 °C up to 200 °C
产品等级 优级品
纯度 99%
分子式 Heat transfer fluid from -60 °C up to 200 °C

低温合成硅油,广泛使用于仪表填充is a heat transfer fluid based on polydimethylsiloxane that is used in baths for a temperature range of -60 °C to 120 °C and in other open systems with contact with the atmosphere as well as closed systems without an influx of oxygen at temperatures of -60 °C up to 200 °C. The maximum permissible film temperature is 220 °C.低温冷却导热液


Density 25 °C:
904 kg/m3
Kin. viscosity 40 °C:
1,50 mm2/s
Pour Point:
<-120 °C
Minimal operating temperature:
-80 °C
Bulk temperature max.:
270 °C
Film temperature max.:
290 °C
Boiling Point:
>225 °C
Flash Point:
>82 °C
Water hazard classification:
Approval :