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  • 地址:浦东金桥开发区金高路2388号金海商业广场813室
Castrol Braycote 803 RP
  • 品牌:Castrol
  • 产地:Castrol
  • 货号:Castrol Braycote 803 RP
  • 发布日期: 2021-06-24
  • 更新日期: 2024-07-26
货号 Castrol Braycote 803 RP
品牌 Castrol
EINECS编号 Castrol Braycote 803 RP
型号 Castrol Braycote 803 RP
别名 Castrol Braycote 803 RP
密度 1.2g/cm3
产地/厂商 Castrol
英文名称 Castrol Braycote 803 RP
产品等级 合格品
纯度 45%
分子式 Castrol Braycote 803 RP

Rust-inhibited grease, Braycote 803 RP.

Castrol Braycote® 803RP was developed for use in applications in which long- term exposure to high temperature

or hard vacuum is expected. This product is fully compatible for use in direct or indirect contact with Liquid and

Gaseous Oxygen (LOX/GOX). Castrol Braycote® 803RP is stable with exposure to strong acids and oxidizers.

Perfluorinated greases, in general, exhibit excellent shelf lives due to their intrinsic inertness.