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Alseal 5050
  • 英文名称:Alseal 143P High Temp Phenolic
  • 品牌:ALSEAL
  • 货号:d
  • 发布日期: 2020-02-27
  • 更新日期: 2025-02-06
货号 d
EINECS编号 Alseal 5050 isc
颜色 铝色
别名 Alseal 5050 is
保质期 12个月
耐水性 1
耐洗擦性 1
英文名称 Alseal 143P High Temp Phenolic
分子式 Alseal 5050

Alseal 5050 is a single-component, chrome-free coating composition formulated for protecting ferrous alloys from both high temperature heat oxidation and at the same time offer sacrificial (cathodic) protection to the base metal. Because of its high temperature capabilities, it offers excellent protection when exposed to cyclic high temperature and corrosive salt environments, continuing to provide sacrificial properties at temperatures to 1150°F. Although an inorganic coating, it combines thermal stability, excellent adhesion and hardness, along with good flexibility... a property not found in most inorganic coatings. As mentioned above it offers salt corrosive protection to 1150°F. At about 1200°F. the aluminum oxidizes to a point where it no longer provides its excellent sacrificial properties, however, it will continue to offer excellent heat oxidation continuously to 1600°F. and in some cases, depending on metal substrate, has offered heat oxidation protection to 2200°F. Tests have been conducted using low carbon steel alloys. There was no loss of weight after several weeks continuous exposure at 1000°F. After exposure to 5% salt spray for 1000 hours, there was no evidence of corrosion. Further, the coating formed from Alseal 5050 composition offers superb thermal shock resistance. The coated metal will not crack, spall, or fail after shocking from 1100°F. to room temperature repeatedly. Alseal 5050 coating composition offers greater protective properties in combination of heat, weathering, corrosion, and oxidation resistance than organic paints and is lighter in weight and more flexible than most ceramic coatings. Surface Preparation Special care must be exercised in the preparation of the surface for all high quality, premium performance coatings. 1) Degreasing. All oil, grease and other organic deposits must be removed by suitable degreasing operation or by heating parts to temperature sufficiently high to facilitate removal.使用前充分混合。 Alseal610可以采用刷涂或喷涂应用。一个艺术家空气刷建议。由于区域是 润色通常是小的,也可以使用一个艺术家漆刷。材料应在一层薄薄的应用,以避免 过度的建立和保证一个光滑的触感区面积。

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