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SermeTel Process 5380 DPTM Coating System
  • 品牌:Praxair
  • 货号:SermeTel® Process 5380 DPTM Coating System
  • 发布日期: 2019-09-29
  • 更新日期: 2024-07-26
品牌 Praxair
货号 SermeTel® Process 5380 DPTM Coating System
英文名称 Praxair SermeTel 1207
别名 Praxair SermeTel 1207
保质期 12个月
分子式 Praxair SermeTel 1207
耐水性 2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SermeTel Process 5380 DP (Dense Pack) consists of a closely packed aluminum-filled chromate/phosphate basecoat, sealed with a chemically inert chromate phosphate topcoat. The coating provides excellent protection to stainless steel and ferrous alloys, and will operate at temperatures up to 1200°F (650°C). ADVANTAGES Process 5380 DP should be used on any component where serious concerns are corrosion/erosion protection, tight tolerances, surface finish, or where the potential for media entrapment is possible due to part configuration. On dimensionally critical surfaces, precision coating thicknesses of as thin as 0.3 mils (7.5μm) can be achieved. The main features are: ? Does not require media finishing to achieve final surface finish ? Compressibility supports mating surfaces ? Excellent corrosion resistance ? Excellent surface finish     SermeTel?Process 725涂层系统是一种多层无机覆盖层。底漆由铝合金电镀牺牲涂层组成。面漆是铬酸盐/磷酸盐化学惰性密封剂。密封剂阻止腐蚀剂渗透到基本金属,从而显着延长涂层系统在燃气轮机和工业加工设备以及蒸汽轮机中的恶劣环境中的使用寿命。
       当用于燃气涡轮发动机时,SermeTel Process 725通过延长部件使用寿命节省成本并降低维护成本。尽管ermeTel 725的推荐厚度范围为2.0-4.0mil,但涂层系统可以应用于0.5密耳和以上的精确厚度。 SermeTel 725提供防止周期性侵蚀和腐蚀。它还可以提供光滑的表面,这提高了发动机的效率。
